What payment is affordable to you? What is the maximum amount you feel comfortable paying for your monthly house payment? When starting the new home search, it is important to start with your budget and affordability to save you the most time. Determining your budget first will set you on the right, home buying path.
Use the filter bar below to see different home price packages and estimated monthly house payments based on financing. This will help you determine your payment affordability level compared to home price packages.
The payment figures above represent estimated, total monthly payment of financing including: principal and interest payment, estimated monthly property taxes, and estimated monthly house insurance, at an estimated fixed interest rate of 3.75%, 30 year amortization.
The information provided by these calculators is for illustrative purposes only. The default figures shown are hypothetical and may not be applicable to your exact situation. Be sure to consult us for more information and a detailed quote tailored to your needs.